Monday 29 August 2011

Challenges WILL Happen......

Nom Nom Nom….that is the sound that Cookie Monster makes in Sesame Street as he eats cookies. That has also been the chant my cruise group has taken up for our upcoming cruise. It may be a joke but there is a ring of truth to it.

Following my realization from the last blog about knowing my limits and listening to my body, I have decided to take a 2 week break from heavy work outs. However, it doesn’t help that one of those weeks includes my cruise. This will set me back for sure because as strong as I want to be; the last thing you really want to think about on vacation is which salad bar you should go to. Unless you are an uber-work out fanatic, a regular Joe would succumb to the temptation. The only thing I can do is to be as careful as I can be in my indulgence and be active whenever possible.

As much as you want to be healthy there will be times when your progress will be challenged. This cruise with its “all-you-can-eat buffet” and drinks galore is one of many speed bumps to the advancement of my goal. I will probably say this could be a VERY BIG speed bump.

I am admitting that even though I have progressed in the last two months with my goals, this week will most likely be a set back. (A minor one if I do it correctly.) But set backs are OK. Set backs happen; it is how you get back on track that matters. By writing this blog today I have made myself that much more conscious of where I am trying to get to. If you know a speed bump is coming make sure you set yourself up to get back on that horse after the bump.

My plan for getting back into my saddle:

I have 2 weeks left with my current bootcamp. I spoke to the owner (Miami Fit Body Bootcamp) who was very understanding and allowed me to hold off on those two weeks and restart them when the cruise is over. I know I will need help to jump start my progress again and that is one of the tools in my disposal to do it.

Another tool in my arsenal is the support group I have built over the last few weeks. Starting with my family who constantly reminds me to stay healthy, I really am grateful that they love me so much to make sure I am healthy. Another group are my friends that are trying to accomplish the same as I am in regard to our health goals. Also, the camp-mates that I have who share the same work and pain I go through to get going.

Third, the before and after pictures plus the measurements I have taken of myself. By reminding me of what I have done and the things I still need to do, I can find a foothold on my long and hard climb to the top.

FIND A WAY AND NOT EXCUSES. If you feel like you have lost your will, look back at where you came from and where you have been to find your focus again. Utilize tools in your possession and you can be on your way again if you find yourself in a rut. There will be challenges but we don’t get stronger by giving up, we get stronger by resisting! So NOM NOM NOM and eat away at those excuses!

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