Monday 12 September 2011

What does OCD have to do with Fitness?

1, 2, 3…1,2,3…I have a minor OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It is undiagnosed professionally and not overwhelming but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out you have it. It permeates my life in certain ways. I have to triple check a door and sometimes even more to make sure it is locked. I count to a certain number until I am satisfied and start over if I am not. Then you get that uncomfortable feeling of anxiety if you don’t do a certain thing right. I am saying this because I know I am not the only one from the people I know who has it. I hope by my admission you can learn that you are not by yourself. Now don’t make it worse than what you are reading, in my daily life it is not too much of a burden and it even helps in some ways. It helps me with my job. It helps me with my work outs. It even helps me with my diet.

How does it help me with my job? Well, since I work with numbers a thousand can easily turn into a million with just a decimal point placed in the wrong area. By having some type of OCD, I end up triple checking a number before I submit it. It doesn’t take me long to do and it actually have allowed me to catch errors before a verifier can catch it. So it actually helps out in what I do. One point for OCD….

Work outs….Let’s just say that if I think I am not getting the same amount of work on one side of my arms/legs, I make sure I try to make it as even as possible. And repetitions don’t bother me… a matter of fact the counts help out in my work outs. OCD can fit into work outs too.

Diet….Once I get into a pattern, I can eat the same thing without complain. For example, when I was in the prime shape of my life I was eating Oatmeal and Egg Whites every morning with the exception of Sundays. My pre lunch snack was a Slim Fast. My lunch would be a choice of Chicken Kitchen, Wendy’s Chili, 3 Tacos, Pollo Tropical, or Subway. My dinner consisted of a protein shake. This did not bother me at all and I did it for almost a year or so. Today I am back to the oatmeal routine, and not only does it keep me healthy it saves me money from the McD's and Dunkin Donuts breakfasts I used to have.

In reality, as much as OCD is seen as a hindrance to your well being (and if unchecked it could be), it doesn’t have to be that way. We all have faults that we have to deal with and it is in how we choose to deal with them that we can actually use them to improve ourselves. Sometimes there are positives in our little annoyances and I choose to empower myself with it rather than be consumed by it.  I thought about releasing this subject many times over and I feel that it would actually help me in my quest for improvement by allowing others to see more of who I am……

”Don’t let your faults get the best of you but turn it around and make the best of what you have!”

(Disclaimer: if you actually have something that requires medical attention please do not be afraid to seek it, nobody should ever judge you if you are doing something to help yourself)

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