Thursday 25 August 2011

Know Your Limits

PAIN.....that is what I felt as I dropped my feet from slipping off a wall crawl from bootcamp. I tried to get up to walk over to my water and my vision got blurry and almost fell to the floor. Luckily, I am feeling fine now so I might have just tweeked my lower back just a little bit. I am taking precautions and icing my back and stretching it out just to be safe.

This week I did two sessions of camp on Monday, followed by an extra half hour of work pre-camp on Tuesday and Wednesday. Today, I really just wanted to go home after work because I have fantasy football drafts to participate in so I needed to take care of my dogs. Well, earlier in the week I saw my doctor and he weighed me in. Turns out that I am close to my goal of weighing 205 lbs. after starting camp at around 228-230 lbs. This revelation made me hungry to see more results. I have put in great camp work all week long and should have listened to my body and rested tonight. Instead, I just went straight to bootcamp because I wanted to reach that goal faster. That is when the close call happened. I am just glad that it is not worse than what it could have been because I have pulled a back muscle before and it took me weeks to recover.

It is great to try to get back in shape and put in maximum effort because results will follow. However, it is also smart to listen to your body once in a while and understand when you have reached your limit. It is not worth hurting yourself because you wanted to push harder. If you ARE going to push harder, please be smart about it and understand techniques to an excercise.

To be honest, I probably hurt myself because I was forcing my leg to keep up with my mind. If anyone knows me, I have one bad leg that is still not fully recovered. This should have cautioned me to be careful but my carelessness most likely stemmed from the fact that I am almost at my goal weight and just wanted to push that much more. I was blinded by the goal when I should be looking at how I can get there safely.

So word of advise, be careful when you work out. Understand technique when you do an exercise. Do not do more that what you know you can do. Results will happen over time and not over night so it is ok to get a work out in but don't hurt yourself because you want to attain that goal that much faster. BE SAFE AND BE FIT!

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