Friday 19 August 2011

My First Blog....

I am starting this blog just to put my thoughts into a form of media. I feel that our mind has so much to offer that we should share as much as possible. (Although not all thoughts should be shared because even I get scared of what I'm thinking sometimes....)

To get to the point of the primary reason to writing "fit fat fit Filipino" is because I want to chronicle my attempt at getting back to fitness. Back when I was in college and had all the time in the world, I was a pack and a half away from having a six pack. I was working out two times a day. My morning routine would consist of waking up at 5 am, take a fat burner (with ephedrine back when it was legal), and proceed to work out for an hour. I would go to class, come back to my dorm and nap. Then at 4 pm I was back at the gym to grind out another hour of weight lifting. This was clockwork. Then graduation and life happened.....

I started working full time, I married the love of my life (Loren) and between the time I had between work and coming home to family I was exhausted to do anything else. It also didn't help that my lack will power combined with my wife's family's cooking (because her aunts and uncle own restaurants) just kept my weight climbing.

In a span of a couple of years, I went from 165 lbs. to 230 lbs. I am sure some people can relate to this because obesity is a major problem in the United States. When my scale said 230 lbs. that was the breaking point when I said to myself "enough is enough!"

Fast forward 2 1/2 months from that point to today, I have been in bootcamp consistently 4 to 5 times a week. Thanks to the power of social media and sites like Groupon, Livingsocial, wife found trials for bootcamps and I found one I loved. I have lost 5% body fat and 12 lbs. of weight as well as 4" off my waist. Pants that haven't been worn in 2 years are now fitting comfortably around my waist. The only problem with the bootcamp is that it is too pricey for me to continue in the near future. However, it did give me the jumpstart I need to get me going. I have plans now to incorporate some of what I know and some of what I have learned from camp and continue my journey back to living healthy........until the next time.....

P.S. Find your motivation anyway you can, gather your friends to support you, get mad at traffic, release the stress from your workday.....any of these can get you through your workouts, especially when you feel that you can't go on.....

1 comment:

  1. Ben, I love it! Keep up the good work and happy blogging! ;o)
