Tuesday 23 August 2011

How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One (Working Out at Least)

DEER CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS.......that is how I looked today as I got into my car and was driving out of the parking garage. A lady was backing up and did not bother to look back to see if there were any cars. I was in my 1995 Honda Civic Hatchback which my father takes very good care of, but I still had doubts if my brakes would work. To my luck, they did! I came within 0.00567 inches of getting side swiped by this car. My life flashed before my eyes and all I could do is STOP and STARE....

This could have easily been a very bad day to say the least, especially that it happened after work on my way to bootcamp. Perhaps 2 months ago, I would have said "forget it, I'm going home!" (and eat ice cream and/or a few burgers from the dollar menu). However, that was then, this was now. Bootcamp has instilled in me a new attitude. It is bringing me back to a mental state where I was in 2003. I said to myself, "I survived, I am in one piece, I can still make bootcamp." So I did.

I showed up 30 minutes early like I always do to prep and stretch for the 7pm class. This time however, the picture of that black car inches away from creating my bad day was on my mind. AHHH, MOTIVATION! That "ding" in the back of my mind was "dinging" away. What better way to release that moment of stress and accept that what happened than by lifting 35 lbs. of kettle bell in each arm for some extra work before camp. And.....it worked! I am typing away at this story and not even mad that it almost ruined my night.

The point of my story is this.....in life, there will be times when you are knocked down or you are thrown a curveball. The people that get stronger for it are the ones that take those moments in and find a release for themselves in a way that improves their lives. Be it working out, writing, painting the situation, or whatever outlet you may find. There is always a reason for everything that happens, you just won't know what it is until you decide what reason it holds for you. Until next time......

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