Monday 26 September 2011

Don't Think, Just Do

“JUST DO IT!” Nike got that phrase right. When it comes to getting things done, sometimes you should just go out and “just do it.” There is truth to this statement even though it might sound simple but it is very profound. This mentality is especially effective when it comes to getting a workout in.

At work or school, how often have you thought in a day “I want to work out today”? Then by the time you get out and go home you end up sitting at your couch just to “relax for a second.” (A few minutes or hours go by.) By the time you know it you are relaxing way too much. If you even get a chance to go and attempt to work out at the gym after “relaxing” you still need to go change. You get to your closet and you think about what to wear. Then you decide to bring clothes to change in after your workout (another few more minutes go by). Then you see yourself in the mirror and think “I don’t like how my hair looks right now” or “let me put on my contacts”. (Still, a few more minutes tick away.) You think about walking over to the fridge to get a water bottle for your work out but couldn’t decide whether you want Gatorade instead. Then five or more minutes later you finally put on your shoes. Then at the moment you decide to grab your keys in the living room….your moment of ZEN…..YOUR COUCH (and it is calling you back)….and guess what, you wasted so many minutes preparing and THINKING that you convinced yourself to just skip the gym altogether and catch that movie you’ve wanted to see On-Demand.

 It is true that some people are committed to their pursuit of health but to most others like me, we go through the same processes before a work out. That is why over the years I have been inactive with my work outs. I let work and life get in the way. I thought too much of working out that my work out became just that, a THOUGHT. I failed to adjust and I paid the price by becoming overweight. Sometimes adjusting your lifestyle to fit in being healthy doesn’t need planning. We just need to stop over thinking, go out and do it. Next time you want to work out, just change clothes and go. Who cares if your clothes don’t match, who cares if your hair is not as neat, who cares if you miss your movie (it’s On Demand, watch it later!) It is a work out not a fashion show! In Nike’s words…..”JUST DO IT!

PS. This was something I learned from Anthony Robbins (yes, the guy from Shallow Hal that was called “Banana Hands”). Check out his body of work, even if you just learn one thing it will be well worth it. It has helped me in my life in positive ways.

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