Thursday 26 January 2017

EveryONE's Health and Wellness Matters

JUST ONE? Picture yourself as a group fitness instructor and only ONE person showed up for class. This happened to me last year when I was still new to teaching and just started my classes at my workplace gym. I could have said class is cancelled and called it a night, it was a really long and stressful day. That is when it hit me, it was a LONG and STRESSFUL day! So my coworker who is also my friend showed up probably had a busy day as well and it was her time to unwind. So I held the class and gave her my full attention. It felt great at the end for both of us, we got to relieve stress and in addition I was able to practice my teaching method more.

In terms of health and wellness I am firm believer that everyone matters. When I first started my program with Beachbody (21 Day Fix) I did not quite know where to begin. My coach and the rest of the group supported and guided me along the way. Most of them are not fitness professionals, they have their regular jobs, their daily life to tend to but they all took the the time to mentor me and teach me the best practices based on their experiences. It truly made me feel that I mattered and it has helped me to keep pushing forward.

While some can succeed alone, others like me need a little encouragement and support. I have tried many times on my own and I kept quitting because either my job at the time or life would throw me off. It is also easier to make excuses when you are only accountable to yourself. When I gained accountability partners in form of my fitness groups and fellow coaches, I was no longer able to hide behind my excuses. We all wanted to see each other to succeed and we kept pushing forward together. This is why I now try to help others in finding their health and wellness because whether it it's one person or  thousands of  individuals, everyONE truly matters. I was that individual whose life was changed positively by others and I want to pay it forward and help another.

We can all benefit from each others' help and we all have the ability to inspire one another. This is how health can spread and once results happen it can be an addiction. One that can benefit us with more energy, increased stamina, boost in self-confidence, and better fitting clothes just to name a few. So whether you are a fitness instructor or just working on your own fitness don't be afraid to share. You never know if your blog, your social media post, your picture can be the difference in getting someone to begin their own journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I truly appreciate the love and support. Message me anytime at my email: I would love to hear from you.

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