Tuesday 8 November 2011

“I AM NOT HAPPY WITH….,” fill in the blank. This is a sentence of a person dissatisfied. Don’t look at them (or yourself) with judging eyes. It is ok to be dissatisfied with things in your life. Why do I say that? Isn’t our goal in life to achieve happiness? Well, it is; but being unhappy is also part of life. When you are dissatisfied you should be EXCITED. Excited?! Why would that be? I say excited because dissatisfaction means that you need to improve a part(s) of your life. Get excited because it is a chance to grow into something more.

When you reach the point of being fed up an important step to take is to assess where your life is and what your end goal should be. By being dissatisfied, it is your body and mind telling that you could do better. It is yet another tool that could be used to find your motivation and to reach your goals.

I am not going to lie, I am dissatisfied right now. With work being busy and my free time becoming less I have chosen to relax and do nothing when I get home. Although I haven’t gained weight, I also haven’t lost weight. It has been a month since I have had a consistent work out regimen. I did get a few days of work out in this weekend but I know I need to do more. This is the point where the successful gets bothered enough to make the changes to get on track again.

If you find yourself going a different direction than where you want to be it is not too late to change that direction. Use your dissatisfaction as a tool and remember that some of the most successful people out there have failed more than once in their lives. Can you make that turn around? Sure, we all have the capacity to.

(Side Note: I got this idea listening to Anthony Robbins today on my CD player on the way to work. In my hours of dissatisfaction, his teachings have helped me in many ways. It is something I go back to and learn from time and again. Even if it is only one thing you pick up from books or people around you, any little advice or lesson helps.)

*****Thanks to Loren, Paul, Aldo, and many others that can’t be named in just one blog who always remind me of my goals…..